Get A CLU — NFTs

Photo credit: Valamuska

Oh, it’s you. You’re here giving me puppy-dog eyes like you always do.

Well, obviously I’ll tell you all you need to know about NFTs. Because this isn’t just some basic crypto chick post; this is a LEGENDARY basic crypto chick post full of: Sneaky Bro Art, basic facts about what NFTs are and everything I learned about them yesterday before writing this post, and maybe, perhaps, sneak peeks I like to call nudge-nudge wink-winks!

Pfft, that’s an NFT. If you’ve read me before—and you better have, you saucy minx—I mentioned NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, in my Crypto Slang 101 post. To put it simply, it can be any sort of digital media that gets added to a blockchain for whatever purpose its creator wants.

One of my favorite NFTs from Sneaky Bro Art!

But like, what is it really? What is its purpose in life? An NFT could be a digital picture limited to one person or given to a certain amount. It could be a song or video or an entire musical event, distributed to many. It could even be a digital character inside a play-to-earn game that can be used to play with, which garners its value based on its functionality inside the game.

Essentially, it can be anything you want in digital media that you’re wishing to share for sentimental value or in hopes of making all that money-honey one day.

The Learner Quest NFT was animated for the first 2500 shareholders who completed the quest checklist on the CluCoin website.

“You’re not making any sense” Break! Still not sure? Let me give you an example. In the play-to-earn game Axie Infinity, Axies (the creatures you use to fight with) are they themselves NFTs and worth value if sold on the marketplace.

They can be utilized to earn SLP (Smooth Love Potion) or AXS (Axie Infinity)–both tokens associated with the game–in either a daily adventure setting for SLP or the arena, where you can earn SLP and AXS. Not only that, but you can breed them in order to sell them on the marketplace, because Axies themselves are worth roughly four-hundred dollars at the time of this post.

Read more about play-to-earn and why it’s a major cornerstone goal of CLU’s tokenomics.

So, what if I took a screenshot and said it was mine? You may be able to “keep” the image of the art you screenshotted or watch the video, but without its contract and proof of ownership, you won’t be able to sell it. It’d be like a poster print-out of the Mona Lisa. It wouldn’t hold any value without proof of ownership.

All the data and proof can be found on the blockchain.

A huge shoutout to Max, part of CLU’s development team, for explaining NFT contracts and giving me more details than I would ever put in this post out of fear of scaring us basic crypto types.   

What makes it worth a pretty penny? Like art, the value is based off who owns it, who created it, and how in demand it is. Obviously, the more limited edition, the better. Also, what utility does it have? Like, can it perform magic tricks or cast spells on unsuspecting FUDDERs who say, “But that’s not art!”

Okay, if you find an NFT that does all that, you come talk to this basic crypto chick and we’ll negotiate.

But really, it’s supply and demand. If it’s a hot commodity, it’ll sell well on (one of few marketplaces they can be publicly bought on).

So, understandably, CluCoin is presently dipping into not only the play-to-earn market but NFTs as well.

They recently launched their Beta Quest NFT challenge on their website. And before you ask, yes, I got my animated Articuno…er, robot owl created by Sneaky Bro Art.

The Master Beta Quest is next, and you bet your cute behind I’m aiming for that dreamscape pink-feels fantasy picture. It’s my favorite and you’ll have to fight me for it.


The colors of fantasy and awesomeness! Art by Sneaky Bro Art and featured by CluCoin.

But that’s not all CluCoin will have to offer for NFTs. Thanks to my tenacious, some may even say desperate, efforts in CLU’s Discord and Telegram chat rooms, I was able to catch a sneak peek of what DNP3 called the Generative Goober Collection.

Sneaky Bro Art has been hard at work on this brand-new concept for the CluCoin NFTs. I may or may not have bugged them about what generative goobers even meant. What one of these handsome and talented enough to put some STANK on it brothers told me was that it simply meant randomized goober NFTs that CLU holders were going to obtain in a multitude of ways.

Sneak Peek image of the Goober Collection by Sneaky Bro Art

Everything will generate randomly, which will require some special engineering and math from the CLU team.

The Goober Collection will be ahead of its time and brand-new to the NFT space. It’s unlike anything out there, and it will be of the highest quality because that’s the nature of Sneaky Bro Art. From common accessories, outfits, colors, and backgrounds to rare, more detailed everything to a one in a million Super Goober NFT, the collection promises to be the coolest new thing to hit the NFT world.

I know. I saw it too, and what I saw was like, super duper Goober cool.

Make sure you watch this space for more details as they become available.

Check out all the CluCoin NFTs distributed over the last few months and the ones still waiting to be claimed on their website.

View and buy ones listed on Opensea.

Rule of Thumb: Whenever getting a new NFT, it’s customary to name it so you’ll never be able to sell it.

Like the cryptocurrency world, NFTs are ever-changing and finding new uses and looks every day, so make sure to check them out to see what tickles your fancy.

Make sure to pop over to Sneaky Bro Art’s Twitter to see what other amazing things they’ve put together!

Image by CluCoin

*The opinions represented in this blog are my own and are in no way, shape, or form the opinions of CluCoin or its affiliated parties*

Get A CLU–Axie Scholarship

Image by CluCoin

So, you’ve got your fancy-shmancy CLU wallet, and now you’ve decided to join the Discord community. Because, clearly, that’s where all we cool people live.

So, you’re hum-hawing around the chat, talking to friendlies, eyeballing your next best buddy, steadily practicing all the new crypto slang you’ve learned from yours truly, and someone mentions the crazy new play-to-earn opportunities like Axie Infinity the CLUmmunity has to offer.

Well, welcome to another reason to be excited about CLU.

What is play-to-earn? Play-to-earn is exactly the way it sounds. All you’re required to do is play and you can earn something in return. Different games will sport different reward systems, and it’ll be important to understand their gameplay to benefit most from them.

What is Axie Infinity, and why does it sound like a superhero? Axie Infinity is a trending NFT game where you can play to earn tokens, quite literally—SLP (Smooth Love Potion) and AXS (Axie Infinity)—with tasks outlined in the game’s interface. Its gameplay is easy and fairly quick to learn. And when you get better, you can earn more through the arena, otherwise known as PVP.

In this video, one of the CLU Ambassadors explains what Axie Infinity is. He breaks down the key notes to the scholarship and play, so make sure to check it out and subscribe to his awesome videos!

What’s this fancy scholarship program? CLU invested in not only Axie Infinity but its own holders to create a scholarship program where people from the CLUmmunity would be sponsored to play. Each scholar, to which presently CLU has over hundred, is given a team of three Axies to play the game with.

Axies range based off ability and are very valuable themselves. But for entry level, a team of three can cost approximately $1000.

What are scholars, and how are they important to CLU? Scholars are the CLU holders who applied during the first and second wave to be sponsored by CLU to play Axie Infinity. Scholars must bring a certain amount of SLP a week (though the amount is subject to change due to new season earning potential changes) to maintain their spot (dailies and adventure are worth 75 SLP), of which CLU takes a percentage to reinvest back into itself.

Basically, CLU is quite literally rolling in the SLP! In a month, CLU has already matched their investment.

As such, scholars are helping CLU bring in outside money to reinvest into the token to pay for events and giveaways, and other CLU-specific necessities. So, unlike in the past, the team will not need to pull directly from CluCoin’s funds because the money is being made elsewhere. The Axie Infinity Scholarship made this possible, and it’s a total game-changer.

What do scholars get out of the deal? Obviously, scholars earn their own cut based off how much they garner over the month and the price of SLP (as it is a crypto coin as well), which will vary at time of withdrawal. Scholars are rewarded if that is reinvested back into CLU by upping their holder roles over time, meaning scholars get more benefits the higher role they have in CLU.

Season 18 Axie Infinity Changes discussed.

An approximate monthly earning at the time of this post for someone garnering the average SLP daily is around $800. Meaning, CLU’s scholars are earning a part-time income simply by playing a game.

Why am I here writing to you guys when I could be off playing Axie Infinity? I call shenanigans!

How does one become a fancy, SLP-earning scholar? Presently, CLU isn’t accepting new applications to become a scholar, but there’s talk about another wave to bring more in. The best thing you can do is become a presence in CLU’s discord and actively engage with the community. CLU rewards its strongest community supporters, so the more you help, the more opportunities you will have to be a part of something amazing.

You can join CLU’s Telegram as well!

Axie Infinity is just the start. CLU will be investing in more projects down the road, like The Sandbox Game, Ember Swords, and Rust which will offer similar opportunities. Meaning, just by being a part of this community, you’re already making a difference in someone’s life.

Play-to-earn is only one thing out of a horde of awesome things that makes CLU different and remarkable. CLU has already changed many people’s lives in just under three months since its conception, and it will continue to do so because the community behind it is already unbelievably strong.

*The opinions represented in this blog are my own and are in no way, shape, or form the opinions of CluCoin or its affiliated parties*

To learn more, follow CluCoin everywhere you can.

Image by CluCoin
Learn more about the awesome chick writing this post!

Get A CLU–Whitepaper

Image by CluCoin

Hey! You’re back. But of course you are, because you think I’m the cutest little basic crypto chick you ever did see!

Maybe you’re here to do your research. Maybe you’ve bought CLU and are thinking “Now what?” Maybe you’ve had CLU for a while, stumbled upon this little slice of wordsmith heaven, and your momma didn’t raise no quitter so you’re going to read to the end even when you know everything there is to know about crypto and CLU.

Whatever the case, we’re so glad to have you here!

Check out this amazing video on CluCoin’s page!

CLU is working towards gaining visibility and traction. It’s starting to appear in places big to the crypto world like PancakeSwap and BitMart. It’s being talked about all over the internet, and, at best, the testimonials are conflicted and often guided by misinformation.

First, CLU is still fairly new. Only released a couple months ago, CLU started off with all eyes on it and people chanting “Wen Moon?”

But ultimately, this coin was developed for the long game. It’s a coin meant to be held, and reflections (a percentage distributed to all shareholders with every transaction) are attained the longer you keep it.

Image found on CluCoin’s Twitter

Not to mention, holding longer is better for tax reasons. Though, in no way shape or form am I in any position to give financial advice. That’s what my accountant is for, and he gets paid a pretty penny every year because of it.

So, understandably, the team behind CLU has developed and adapted to necessary changes in their white paper and the path towards its fundamental goals. The white paper details the coin’s roadmap of success and its destinations for how it will be achieved. Essentially, it’s an outline of what CluCoin is all about and its overall vision.

On the new CluCoin website (read more about it in my previous post), you can find a live roadmap that will be updated any time the team accomplishes another line on the map!

Image can be viewed on CluCoin’s website

CLU was built on the idea of a community making a difference and helping others. Already, the CLUmmunity is vastly invested in several opportunities like Axie Infinity and several exchanges.

Organized rewards have and will continue to be held for CLU’s holders through roles and occasional perks like NFTs and holder-specific programs. For this reason, CLU has become a social experience that would rival any cosplayer convention—bonds forever forging in a fast-paced, jargon-totting, game-playing, and ridiculously fun environment.

Check out the quests and Sneaky Bro Art NFTs on the site!

More about the community can be read in the white paper.

Thankfully, the team behind CLU is so savvy and considerate, they wrote their white paper with new-to-crypto readers like yourself in mind. Even I didn’t have trouble following it. And that’s saying something since I have to read everything crypto related five times over to gain a scant bit of understanding.

Presently, the roadmap details to the end of the year, at which point an updated roadmap will be provided. So far, several things on the list have already been accomplished.

To keep it brief, unlike the stories my twelve-year-old daughter tells me, I’ll only list what still hasn’t happened.

At the time of this super fabulous informative post from yours truly, these are what are expected next: vesting contracts for holder roles, play-to-earn, esports team, media team, CLU card wallet, and exchange planning.

You can find a more detailed breakdown about these points in the white paper. And I promise it’s beautifully laid out and incredibly easy to read for someone like me, who some would argue has the attention span of a rambunctious toddler.

When you buy CLU, you become part of a well-established and beyond supportive community of individuals who want a better world for others. If not already clear by the already helpful community established out of the coin itself, then certainly by its vision statement to “help [the CLUmmunity] reach their goals and thrive.”

This is only the beginning of more unbelievable things to come, and just by buying and holding CLU, you become a major part of it.

*The opinions represented in this blog are my own and in no way, shape, or form the opinions of CluCoin or affiliated parties.* 

Want to learn more about the CLU chick writing this post?

Get A CLU–Safety

Image by CluCoin

So, you just downloaded your fancy new wallet full of CLU. Maybe some others because crypto is fun and you’re thankful you found me. And after you’ve petted it, named it something super cool and fancy, then called it your precious, you’re not sure what’s next or what you should watch out for.

Not to worry. Your awesome crypto-basic-but-knows-people chick is here to break it down for you.

But just remember I’m not an accountant or a financial advisor. Your coins are your own, and you’re an independent CLU holder!

First, here are some terms that will become familiar to you now that you’re in the world of CLU, and I’ll explain how they relate to the security of your coins.

Whose wallet? Yours. This is where you can find what coins and how much of them you have. There are a few different wallets out there, most common being TrustWallet and MetaMask, but do your research to figure out which one works best for you and your situation.

(As awesome of a friend as I may be, I won’t do it for you, so don’t give me those puppy-dog eyes!)

BUT WAIT, THERES MORE! Connect your wallet to the CluCoin website to get badges and see real-time reflections. You can also swap and buy CLU! (Learn more about it in my previous blog post here)

It’s your life and your seed phrase. When you set up a wallet, you’ll be given what’s called a seed phrase or secret recovery phrase, which amounts to a specific-to-wallet set of words required if ever the wallet needs to be recovered.

This phrase should NEVER be given to anyone. It could be used to steal every last coin in your account. Meaning, if you write it down and lose it, it’s gone. Or, if you put it anywhere that can be hacked or accessed, it’d be the equivalent of giving a random stranger everything they need in order to steal all the money in your bank account.

Rude. I know. This is the biggest safety lesson you’ll learn in the crypto world. Never give this information to anyone. Legitimate people like DNP3 and staff will never ask you for it.

Image property of DNP3 Twitter.

SCAM ALERT! If you see this face and it’s being used to get money, private information, or a seed phrase out of you, it’s not the real DNP3!

What’s that over there? It’s a rug pull. This phrase gets used a lot, especially in relation to smaller coins. Like it sounds, it’s the event of pulling the coin’s contracted liquidity, often very early on, and leaving the rest of the shareholders with what ultimately amounts to a worthless coin.

It’s not a pretty sight, and it happens far more than it should. So the most important thing to remember is always to do your due diligence when you research a coin. Research everything, from its conception to who stands behind it.

Coins are an investment of the money you’re wishing to grow, so you wouldn’t invest in a business you knew nothing about. View crypto along the same lines.

Did someone say honey? Oh, no, that’s a honey pot. I know what you’re thinking. I’m clearly very adorable and this might be a honey trap. But it’s not. I’m just adorable. Honey pots are very difficult to spot, even for seasoned crypto experts.

You put money in and see it steadily rise. So, you think to yourself, “Great! It’s legitimate!” So, you keep your money in because you want to sell at the best possible price. But when you decide to pull your money out, you realize you can’t. You’ve been HAD! Essentially, the contract for the coin only permits certain wallets to pull money from it—and that’s how it gets ya.

It’s dirty and evil, so always read the white paper (Check out CluCoin’s white paper here). If you don’t understand, because often white papers are written in confusing jargon and difficult for new crypto investors to understand, then make sure to find someone you trust (source or otherwise) to help translate.

Our CLUmmunity Discord is an amazing place to find crypto savvy, jargon-translating types who love to lend a helping hand. Many of them helped me when I was confused, lost, and just outright CLU-less!

Not your regular, everyday kind of dusting. And no, I’m not asking you to clean right now even though you and I both know you probably should. Dusting refers to a coin you didn’t buy or expect showing up in your wallet.

Typically, scammers do it to get access to your wallet information. If you don’t recognize the coin, don’t touch it. Hide it and leave it alone! It’s the easiest thing to avoid once you know what to look for.

So, what can you do? Because CLU is part of the Binance Smart Chain, there’s such a tool as BscScan, which helps with detecting red flags.

Nothing is ever foolproof in the crypto world, as with anything in the real world, but protecting yourself in whatever way possible will never be a waste.

On this note, not only has CLU’s contract been audited, and subsequently passed, but its wallets have been vested so its contract liquidity is locked for a full year to ensure rug pull an impossibility. Additionally, shareholders have been able to buy and sell at their discretion, proving, despite claims of rug pull and honey pot, CLU is neither.

Communities like the one surrounding CLU are difficult to find, especially in smaller coins. If that’s not enough to convince you (call me impressed by your necessary caution), then it’s carefully crafted white paper detailed on CLU’s website will leave you confident with buying and holding it.

*The opinions in this blog post are my own and are in no way, shape, or form the opinions of CluCoin or its affiliated parties*

Want to learn more about the cool, adorable, incredibly modest chick writing this blog post? Click here!

Get A CLU–Website

Image by CluCoin

Well, hello again, stranger turned friend in five seconds because I said so!

It’s your basic crypto chick, coming in hot with another exciting new development in the CLUverse.

Just a few days ago, CluCoin and its staff launched their long-awaited website, where not only will you be able to track your wallet and reflections (the automatic percent you gain with every transaction being a holder based on how much CLU you hold), but you’ll be able to buy/swap CLU right from their site.

Image by CluCoin

First of all, if that didn’t make you squeal, you didn’t read it slowly enough. Buy/Swap CLU directly from the website. Not only that, you can view your reflection gain in real time on the website wallet. It’s the first coin website that can claim to do this, which is a HUGE achievement.

In celebration of the website’s release, there will be active quests to finish in order to receive NFTs (made by Sneaky Bro Art), to which the first 2500 CLU holders to complete the first level and 1500 CLU holders to complete the master level quests will be rewarded.

When does the event start? August 1st 2021 at 12AM UTC (8PM EST) will be the first day you can try your hand at the quests to get CLU NFTs for both levels.

Learn more here!

IMPORTANT: Make sure to connect your wallet, Twitch account, and Discord account to make for easier navigation.

But that’s not even all of it!

I’m going to walk you through some of the most amazing features, but I genuinely encourage you to go explore their website and have fun with it. The layout is easy to navigate and completely user-friendly for new-to-crypto types.

Honestly, the site was made with investors like you in mind, and the tutorials and white paper express this in not only their language but clean and effortless formats.

What’s in your wallet? Thanks to the ingenious efforts of the CLU development team, you’ll be able to connect your wallet directly to the site and track your purchases and reflections. Eventually, once the CLU card gets underway, you’ll have access to it from the site as well (featured in your wallet when you connect by the card “coming soon” on the page).

Is that Sneaky Bro Art or are you just happy to see me? Another amazing feature on the site is you’ll be able to view all of your NFTs directly in your profile. Not only that but you’ll be taken directly to their page if you click on them.

It’s a great place to periodically go to pet them and love them and whisper sweet nothings to them. One day, I’m confident they’ll be worth a pretty dime.

How do you buy this crazy thing called CLU? Because buying crypto can be confusing, the team behind CluCoin put together a simple how-to tutorial, both in video and written form, to help you buy/swap. And like mentioned earlier, you can access their buy/swap feature directly from the site.

Get started here!

It’s so fresh and so clean clean—it’s the sparkly new whitepaper! New with the site is an updated whitepaper that will explain not only why you should invest in CLU but what you should expect in its future.

Check it out and see what CLU is all about.

HELP! For jargon you may not understand, check out my previous post on crypto slang.

We’re going on an adventure, roadmap style! To complement a new, sparkly whitepaper is a real-time roadmap that will update with every new point that’s been completed. You’ll be able to see how the team is knocking out goals (the way they already have been), and all with a simple click.

You can check it out here!

It’s the little things that count… Additionally, the CLU website has current price, holder count, supply, and market cap listed directly on its home page as soon as you connect your wallet. You can also check out its mission, its team, and its overall design just by scrolling down on the home page.

It may appear simple, but that was the intention in its design. The site will offer quick, easy navigation and an optimum experience by doing so. Like I said, you’re better off exploring it yourself and familiarizing with its content.

Don’t just take my word for it, even though I’m adorable. Go out there and click, click, click, you crazy crypto-lovin’ kids!

Fan girl moment activated! The home screen picture literally gets me squealing every time I open the page. So. Freaking. Cool.

(Courtesy of Sneaky Bro Art)

To keep up to date with all things CLU, make sure to follow their Twitter and Facebook and join the chats in Discord and Telegram.

We’re so excited to have you as part of our CLUmmunity.

*The opinions in this blog are my own and are in no way, shape, or form the opinions of CLU or its affiliated parties.*

Check out more about this basic crypto chick writing this post!

Crypto Slang 101

Image by CluCoin

You’re new. You’ve put your foot into the waters of Discord CLU chat and been chased away by jargon-chattering crypto natives. Promise they’re sweet once you get to know them. But now you’re here, pleading with me to explain what the heck it all means.

Never fear, your basic crypto chick is here!

I’m about to give you the low down on all the terms that will make you walk the walk and talk the talk. People will bow at your feet. People will think you’re super crypto savvy. People will revere you!

Or, at the very least, you’ll know what they’re talking about.

Here are some of the most important crypto terms I gathered and became an “expert”in yesterday (thanks to my unbelievably supportive crypto-suave friends and the good ol’ search bar!) to help with my new-to-crypto buddies’ adventures into the CLUmmunity.

DeFi coin: short for, “decentralized finance.” (Check out here to read more about it from my previous post What Ya Talkin’ Bout–CLU). Simply, DeFi applications attempt to mimic traditional financial systems but don’t have a centralized entity controlling them as a whole.  

Fiat: refers to currency established by the government to serve as money. Unlike crypto, it is tracked and regulated.

Bear market: a market experiencing prolonged price declines.

Bull market: a market experiencing prolonged price inclines.

Crab market: a stable market where it neither increases or decreases much over a prolonged period.

Blockchain: refers to a data structure that holds transactional records to ensure transparency, security, and overall decentralization. Essentially, no single entity controls all the parts.

Think of it like a metal chain. Every link is a data block that strings together and can move to some degree but, ultimately, stays in its proper order.

Tokenomics: a term to describe the characteristics of a coin that makes it appealing to investors inside the market.

I.E. CLU’s whitepaper outlines its tokenomics for individuals interested in investing.

HODL: short for, “hold on for dear life.” A term used primarily in the crypto community to encourage other investors to hold onto their coin and weather the market when it is often down or volatile.

“Dude, that’s a funny story” Intermission: Originally, HODL came from a typo and carried through the ages as a LEGEND.

FUD: short for, “fear, uncertainty, and doubt.” It refers to misinformation and the spread of it surrounding the crypto community in particular that drives down confidence in a coin.

Informational Snack Break: Beware the FUD-spreading trolls living on Reddit! They won’t calm down even with chocolate-covered facts. I’ve tried.

DCA: short for, “dollar-cost averaging.” The process of investing a decided amount in small increments over time. The intention is to take advantage of market downturns without risking too much at any one time. Often used for those who buy high to average down and capitalize on their investment in the long run.

Burn: a term used to reference when a developer (sometimes digital currency miners) removes its own coins from circulation to slow down inflation and decrease the total supply circulating in the market.

Vesting: the act of keeping tokens from being traded or transferred during a scheduled, often long-term, period of time.

Fact: CLU vested its burn, CLUnited, team, and CLUmmunity wallets.

Posted on CluCoin Twitter

Ladder: the act of buying and selling incrementally with a limit to avoid buying or selling too much at any single price, essentially moving up and down in position over time.

ATH: short for, “all time high.” This term refers to the coin’s highest price point.

NFT: short for, “Non-Fungible Token” which is a digital artwork in some format that, much like crypto coins, gains value over time and can be traded online like any collectable within the crypto market.

FACT: CLU has NFTs it has given away to its holders as rewards for being an early buyer, participating in events, and winning giveaways.

NFT image property of CluCoin and created by Sneaky Bro Art

(Check out Sneaky Bro Art and their awesome work here!)

DYOR: short for, “do your own research,” which means exactly how it sounds. It’s meant to encourage a potential investor to do their own research before investing in a coin, oftentimes to avoid rug pulls and honey pots.

FOMO: short for, “fear of missing out,” often refers to individuals who don’t want to miss out on buying something because of hype made around it. In crypto coins, in particular, the potential gains cause people to rush to invest, and if it’s a true FOMO, the coin drops down in price dramatically afterwards.

Diamond hands: a term we use in the crypto world for people who hold their coin through tough markets and tumultuous periods. Simply, people who hold through anything.

I.E. Whenever you see the hand and gem emojis, you’ll now know what they’re referring to.

Paper hands: a term used to identify those who sell the minute the coin rises and profits them as well as when the coin even remotely starts to drop.

I.E. “Shaking off those paper hands.”

Many of these terms are pretty straight-forward, but the ones that aren’t, you can now use in a sentence without anyone suspecting you’re new to this exciting thing called crypto.

Pretty sweet.

Ultimately, CLU is an investment, so being well-informed will protect you against FUD and any other malicious types of naysayers roaming social media.

The crypto market can sometimes be volatile, confusing, and fast-paced. It’ll take time to learn all there is to know. Don’t worry if it feels like you’re still fairly unsure or it’s somewhat out of your depth.

You are not alone.

It’s been a few months since I, myself, joined this exciting world. Half these terms I learned yesterday and it took careful, slow, sometimes in-depth explanation from my fellow crypto buddies to understand what any of them meant.

The CLUmmunity is very welcoming and happy to answer any and all of your questions. All are welcome, from long-time holders to potential or brand-new investors. We’ll be there for anyone looking for answers in our Discord (or on Twitter and Telegram).

Image by CluCoin

Ask questions and get involved. You won’t regret it. You’ll likely make a horde of new friends, too! I know I did.

Join the Discord and come say HI!

Come chat on Telegram!

Image by CluCoin

*The opinions represented in this blog are my own and are in no way, shape, or form the opinions of CluCoin or their affiliated parties.*

Want to find out more?

Follow CluCoin on Twitter

Follow their Facebook Page

Check out their website for more information on how to buy CLU

Want to learn more about the awesome chick writing this blog post?

What Ya Talkin’ Bout–CLU

Well, hello there, random person who doesn’t know one thing about cryptocurrency.

Sit down, get comfy, grab a snack, maybe put on some music to set the mood, and we’re going to chat a little bit about DeFi coin and CLU!

To be fair to you (and mainly to me), cryptocurrency is pretty confusing on a good day. Only a few months ago I was introduced to the world of people who talk fast, watch charts, trade and sell quicker than you can say “How ya doin’?” and say things like “Wen moon” and “Wen lambo.”

It’s a confusing but exciting thing we’re doing here. And now there’s a coin that will change the landscape of DeFi coins—and the world—forever.

First, though, let’s talk DeFi coin.

What is it? DeFi is short for “decentralized finance” and somewhat of an umbrella term used in conjecture with several financial applications in both blockchain and cryptocurrency. Long story short, several entities keep a history of transactions and eliminate the “human” middle man. It makes for faster distribution in comparison to centralized financing by removing the person between you and the transaction.

Still not sure? Not to worry. The main thing to remember is that cryptocurrency is ever-moving and ever-changing. Ultimately, unlike in a bank, tracking your gains is done primarily through a wallet that is protected by a seed phrase. No one but you can have access to it.

Intermission: Never give out your seed phrase to anyone.

It’ll take a little time to understand all the moving parts in the crypto world.

So, now you must be wondering what CLU is and why you suddenly want to yell out “Get a CLU!” You’re not alone. First time I heard it, I yelled out that very same thing.

CLU is a DeFi coin that will work in direct alliance with its charity, CLUnited, to not only offer its shareholders benefits for buying and holding but opportunities to be a part of a community erected on giving to others. Reflections are distributed to current shareholders with every transaction (with the exception to some exchanges).

So, you simply gain more just by holding onto the coin. The more you have, the more you get. Who doesn’t love free money?

Image by CluCoin

Fact: CLU has already donated $125,000 (yeah, I whistled too) to Save The Children and distributed over a hundred scholarships to help its own community with attaining wealth through Axie Infinity—a game where one garners SLP (Smooth Love Potion, the coin in correlation with the game) by simply playing adventures and progressing through levels.

Why CLU? CLU may be a coin, but it’s a community first. The people who stand behind the CLU name are what make this coin worth not only your investment but your time and effort. It’s a collective effort of people from all walks of life and skill sets. Its community is diverse, inclusive, and in my opinion, one of the best I’ve ever had the honor of being a part of.

With a great community like the one CLU has, amazing things are in its future.

*These opinions are my own and are in no way, shape, or form the opinions of CLU or their affiliated parties*

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